Screenshot (19).png

Future Designs

I was very ambitious while going into the development of this game. I designed various systems and planned them with my team. Some of them are listed below:

If we were to continue the development, the game would have had lot’s of different weapon types that effect the way the player attacks such as radial AOE, cone AOE, ranged and damage over time effects.

Breakable tiles that the player has to avoid or could utilize to insta-kill their enemies by trapping them,

Vertical map system that included jumping and of course, boss enemies!

How It’s Played

The game is played via mouse clicks on the Unity Engine. All the input are queued and will execute when they are next action in the line. The character has 3 different movements. It can move to a different tile, attack an enemy and jump according to the input and it's current tile. There are 4 types of enemies in the prototype: Melee, Ranged, Spawner and Minion with similar AI, apart from the spawner enemy, with different parameters such as player detection range, damage, health and etc. The spawner keeps spawning minions as long as it stays alive. The objective for each level is ridding them from enemies and going to specific tile. This objective and all the digital assets seen on the screenshots are just a placeholder.

My Role In the Game

Language used: C#, Developed in: Unity Game Engine

General Role: Designer, Programmer, Producer

I personally started off this project for pure fun and experience. It was an exhilarating responsibility to be in charge of my own game. Creating timelines for my team, arranging scheduled meetings and keeping the motivation up for 3 months was a great mini challenge I had aside from programming the games' action queue system, enemy AI , grid system, inventory system and many more. We also created a map generating system that helped us create unique maps in an instant which was really convenient to have.

Unfortunately, everyone in our team including myself were over encumbered with our real jobs and agreed to put a hold on the project to avoid any sort of burn out or personal problems.